I totally understand. As a business owner I too have to deal with the reality that I don’t have enough money to invest in all the services, expertise, and technologies that I know would help my business. But having said that, marketing isn’t overhead. It’s not. Really. It’s time business owners came to this realization. Let me say it again, marketing is not overhead. It’s the engine that integrates with sales to drive your business forward to profitability and growth.

Some of you are probably on board, but a few of you are saying – prove it Ian. Well that’s not easy to do. It would be great if we could do A/B testing with your business like we do with our landing pages and email campaigns. You know what I mean? We’d split your business down the centre and run one half without marketing and sales integration, and the other half would run with marketing. Without a shadow of a doubt I would guarantee that business B would perform better. How can I say that? Easy. I’ve seen it and so have Certified Duct Tape Marketing Consultants around the globe.

Now don’t get me wrong, if you just spend money on a new website or throw money at online advertising you may not see much better results. But that’s not what I’m talking about. That’s not what Outsourced Marketing offers. We implement a marketing system into businesses that takes a strategic and systematic approach to your marketing. It integrates everything from your website, social media presence(s), email marketing, offline advertising, SEO, and a host of other activities. When everything is working in unison towards the same business goals you’ll be astounded by the results.