Remarketing Advertising (Retargeting)
Remarketing Advertising, what is it? We've all experienced that curious experience where we've visited a website for a product and then it seems like ads for that product keep popping up everywhere we go. This isn't a coincidence, it's called remarketing advertising and it can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.
How Remarketing works
When visitors come to your website they will be tagged by the website with a cookie that will then tell advertising platforms that they have visited your website. It then allows you to leverage a broad advertising network to present these website visitors with your ads on a huge array of websites. The result is that this can continue to keep you top of mind after they've left your website so that as they continue their buying journey you don't fall off the radar.
Remarketing is a great compliment to other advertising
Generally we don't use Remarketing as the only advertising strategy as we want to first drive prospects to your website and then follow them with remarketing ads. With this in mind, Remarketing is a fantastic compliment to Google Pay-per-click Advertising and Facebook Advertising and we see fantastic results when this integrated approach is leveraged.
Remarketing services that make it easy for you
As with all our services our goal is to make it easy for you to implement Remarketing into your strategic marketing. With this in mind our remarketing experts will develop a strategic plan for you, design the ads and copy, and even create the landing pages that will create the highest conversions. We make remarketing easy for you!
Ready to learn how we can help you achieve your marketing goals with Remarketing Advertising, book a discover call now...